The Pyrenees is a wild region with small villages clinging precariously to mountain slopes and oppressive fortifications from the long struggle between France and Spain. Despite the rocky, in places almost lunar, landscapes, the area has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Today, life in these remote mountain villages can be inconvenient, but in the Middle Ages it must have been unbearable:
cold, barren and isolated.
So what better place to put a monastery? If your professed
intention was to get away from it all, to remove yourself from worldly
temptation and to work hard for the Lord, no place could have been more fitting
than the Pyrenees. And sure enough, on our recent visit we found that everywhere we looked, on nearly every peak, no matter how isolated, there was a church, chapel, hermitage,
monastery or abbey. Of these, one of the most noteworthy is the Priory of Sainte Marie de Serrabone.